The Premium UK Clothing Brand missing 0% rates of Duty

An insight into Falsum's industry-leading Client work.

Discover how Falsum’s Duty Management Tool [DMT] revolutionised a premium UK clothing brand’s import processes. By accurately identifying and applying preferential duty rates from Portugal, Italy, Turkey, and Vietnam, the brand reclaimed £145k from HMRC. The result was a remarkable achievement of 0% duty rates on eligible imports, optimising cost-efficiency and compliance. With real-time compliance checks and automated reporting, Falsum’s DMT provided the brand with peace of mind and streamlined their duty management process.

The Challenge

The premium UK clothing brand, known for its exquisite designs and high-quality products, faced a significant challenge in managing Customs Duties for their imports. With a diverse global supply chain that included imports from Portugal, Italy, Turkey, and Vietnam, the brand encountered complexities in correctly understanding and applying preferential duty rates.

Their previous duty management system lacked the capability to accurately identify eligible preferences for these countries, resulting in overpaid Customs Duties. The brand realised the need for a more sophisticated solution to efficiently handle duty calculations, ensure compliance, and reduce costs.

The Falsum Solution

Falsum, a trusted leader in providing cutting-edge software solutions, stepped in to address the clothing brand’s Customs Duty challenges. Leveraging their unique proprietary software solution, the Duty Management Tool (DMT), Falsum offered a comprehensive approach to streamline the duty reclamation process.

The Duty Management Tool (DMT) from Falsum, is a powerful platform that combines advanced analytics, real-time data processing, and intelligent algorithms to manage Customs Duties effectively.

The DMT was customized to cater to the specific needs of the clothing brand, providing features that included:

  1. Preferential Duty Rate Identification: The DMT meticulously analyzed import data to identify products eligible for preferential duty rates from Portugal, Italy, Turkey, and Vietnam. This feature significantly reduced the chances of missed preferences and overpaid duties.
  2. Real-time Compliance Checks: The platform ensured all transactions complied with the latest customs regulations and tariff updates. This feature provided the clothing brand peace of mind, knowing they were consistently meeting their legal obligations.
  3. Automated Reporting: Falsum’s DMT generated detailed reports, giving the clothing brand clear insights into their duty expenditure, potential savings, and compliance status. These reports facilitated informed decision-making and improved overall cost management.

The Result

Thanks to Falsum’s seamless integration of the Duty Management Tool (DMT), the premium UK clothing brand achieved outstanding results:

  • £145k Reclaimed: Falsum successfully reclaimed £145,000 from HMRC on behalf of the clothing brand. This impressive sum was the result of identifying and applying the missed preferences accurately.
  • Zero Percent Rates of Duty: With the Duty Management Tool (DMT) in place, the clothing brand achieved an exemplary record of 0% rates of duty on eligible imports. This achievement showcased their commitment to optimizing cost-efficiency and compliance.
  • Efficiency and Peace of Mind: The DMT streamlined the duty reclamation process, saving time and resources for the clothing brand. The automated reporting and real-time compliance checks ensured they were always in control of their duty management.

In conclusion, Falsum’s proprietary Duty Management Tool proved to be the ideal solution for the premium UK clothing brand’s Customs Duty challenges. By leveraging the power of advanced analytics and intelligent algorithms, the brand not only reclaimed significant amounts from HMRC but also achieved a flawless record of 0% rates of duty on eligible imports.

With the Duty Management Tool (DMT) as their trusted support, the clothing brand could now focus on their core business, secure in the knowledge that their duty management was in expert hands.

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