Why HMRC Customs Duty and Import VAT Calculations Aren’t Always Right

When it comes to importing goods into the UK, businesses must navigate a complex landscape of customs duties and import value-added tax (VAT). However, relying solely on HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) calculations can be risky. We'll explore why HMRC customs duty and import VAT calculations aren't always accurate and how businesses can benefit from using Falsum's Duty Management Tool (DMT) to analyse overpayments and make reclaims from HMRC.

The Complexity of Tariff Codes

Navigating the world of customs requires a deep understanding of the Harmonized System (HS) and tariff codes. These codes classify products and determine the applicable customs duty rates. However, due to the vast range of goods and constant changes in regulations, it’s easy for HMRC to misclassify products or apply incorrect duty rates. This can result in overpayment of customs duties, leading to unnecessary costs for your business.

Inconsistent Interpretation of Documentation

Interpreting complex customs documentation is no small feat. Customs Agents & HMRC Officers are responsible for making judgment calls on the classification, valuation, and origin of goods. However, different officers may interpret regulations and documentation differently, leading to inconsistencies in duty calculations. These inconsistencies can result in overpayment of customs duties and import VAT, impacting your business’s profitability.

Human Error and Manual Processing

Despite efforts to automate customs processes, human error and manual data entry can still occur. Even the most diligent Customs Agents & HMRC Officers can make mistakes when manually entering data or calculating customs duties. These errors can go unnoticed, leading to incorrect duty calculations and potentially substantial overpayments.


Relying solely on HMRC customs duty and import VAT calculations can be risky for UK businesses. Complex tariff codes, inconsistent interpretation of regulations, and the possibility of human error in manual processing contribute to potential overpayments. Businesses can turn to Falsum’s Duty Management Tool (DMT) to mitigate these risks.

By utilising Falsum’s DMT, businesses can analyse their customs duty and import VAT calculations to identify any overpayments made to HMRC. The tool’s advanced algorithms and comprehensive database ensure accurate calculations, providing businesses with valuable insights into potential savings. Moreover, Falsum’s DMT streamlines the process of making reclaims from HMRC, helping businesses recover their overpaid customs duties efficiently.

Don’t let inaccuracies in HMRC customs duty and import VAT calculations drain your business’s finances. Embrace Falsum’s Duty Management Tool and take control of your customs processes. Visit our website to learn more about how Falsum can help you analyse customs duty overpayments and make reclaims from HMRC: Falsum’s Duty Management Tool. Maximise your profitability and ensure accurate customs duty calculations today.

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